He was just wonderful

When my best friend since junior high school asked me to accompany her to a consultation for a rhinoplasty at the Glasgold Group’s center I tried to talk her out of it, even though I knew how self-conscious she was about her rather prominent nose. I wasn’t exactly happy with my nose either and you didn’t see me running for surgery. She requested that I be present during the consultation with Dr. Alvin Glasgold and he readily agreed. He was just wonderful, taking lots of time to explain the procedure and exactly how Marion could expect her nose to look; at one point he even used computer imaging to give her a better idea. Together they came up with a nose shaped to fit her face. By the time we were through I was as excited about the prospect of Marion’s new, improved nose as she was. And to prove it, she accompanied me for my rhinoplasty consultation a few months after her own surgery.

—Lydia, 22, Rutgers college student

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  • Lydia